It's round 4 and everything is still tied up. Let's see if we can break it this go around.
Background: Ipsy is a monthly make-up subscription that focuses on make-up. Birchbox is a beauty subscription that focuses on high end beauty products and sometimes make-up.
On to the show!
Ipsy: There were a lot of combos available so I'm not going to list them all. I got: Urban Decay lipstick in 69, Pixi Beauty Lash Booster Mascara, Smashbox Photo Finish Primer, MicaBeauty eyeshadow in Bronze, and the Michael Todd pumpkin nutrient mask. The only substitution I would have made in my dream box would be to get the nail polish instead of the primer. Plus a cute purple bag with crests on it.
The Good:
Urban Decay: LOVE this lipstick. So much so that I went and bought "Shame" which is a dark burgundy/plum color (FINALLY FOUND ONE!!) Decent staying power with good application and a plethora of colors. This one is a win.
Michael Todd- Love masks first off. Secondly, pumpkin=awesome. All around good mask.
MicaBeauty- Nice eyeshadow. Nothing outrageously different from other good eyeshadows but the color is a good one.
The O.K.:
Pixi- It's a mascara. I use Benefit's "They're Real" (the best mascara ever in existence in my opinion) regularly so it's hard to compete.
The Bad:
Smashbox- I hate all over primer. I have decently good skin so only need the lightest of mineral foundations so this was a big miss for me.
Birchbox: I received a set of Birchbox Bobby Pins, Dr. Jart Beauty Balm, Number 4 Super comb Prep and Protect, ModelCo Party Proof lipstick, and OC8 Mattifying Gel.
The Good:
Bobby Pins- These things are amazing. They made the box worthwhile. They hold great and look cute too. I only need one to pin back all of my long bangs. I like them so much I put myself on the waitlist to buy more.
The O.K.:
Comb and Protect- I used it on my bangs (the only part that tangles) and it was ok. Nothing to write home about.
ModelCo- The shade was nice and application was smooth but had zero staying power. Completely confusing considering it's called "Party proof."
The Bad:
Dr. Jart- The sunscreen aspect is nice but otherwise has zero appeal to me.
OC8- What is with all these face things? This held no appeal for me. I don't generally get very shiny and usually put on shimmer anyway.
Verdict: OMG! Ipsy won! We've finally broken the tie!! IPSY 1 BIRCHBOX 0
If you want to join ipsy here's a link: Join IPSY
If you want to join Birchbox go here: Join BIRCHBOX